
The Best Recipe (Translation) Ever in the World

Lost in Translation?

alessandro borgheseWhen I was traveling, I spent a lot of time in Italy with my childhood friend Shelly who had the hots for Alessandro Borghese. Frankly, who doesn’t? We watched his show and drooled, and not just over the recipes. Many moons later, she sent me Tu Come Lo Fai for Christmas, his delicious book filled with Italian recipes in ITALIAN. My grasp of the Italian language begins and ends with “Ma, che cazzo dici?” so I needed some help translating the recipes.

My dear friend Leslie, who took Italian in high school, has an Italian last name, so I assumed she could help me. The following is my recording of what she sent me via text after what I can only assume is a couple of cocktails.

Listen now. I dare you to attempt this recipe for something Italian that includes a “dorm at the bridge.” Godere! (click twice below)

Record music with Vocaroo >>

More Cooking Mayhem

Shelly teaches me how to make what looks like “an American version of a Mexican casserole” or, bagna cauda, the outrageously savory hot bath of anchovies, cream, butter and garlic.

Lisa Gettings by unicorns